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/ work / ARC Research

Interactive Survey System perfect for mobile 

Multi-user format makes surveys straightforward

The Brief  

Arc approached Hydra to develop an interactive survey system which was suitable for large audience data gathering. What made this work uniquely challenging is that it was important the system required no external downloads onto participants’ mobile devices. This was something we successfully incorporated, seamlessly.

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Our Solution 

Our expert website designers created a polished multi-user platform, making interactive surveys straightforward for a range of audience sizes in a corporate setting.


Once survey participants received their link they did not have to bypass any further obstacles, such as downloads. That meant a better experience for them.
How did we do it? We scoped the system to use existing technologies to create a solution based on jQuery software, that would only usually be available on a native IOS or Android app.

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How it works

The website is designed as a multi-user platform with the purpose of filling out questionnaires and surveys. Users access the site through a designated code and pin assigned and given out by an administrator, connecting them all into a combined session.
The website is designed only for audiences to participate through their mobile devices. Once a survey is in session, the website is designed to give the presenter all the controls to operate surveys through a separate display.

Another key feature is that the presenter is able to control the timing of the questions. Once members of the group answer each question, the administrator is able to view the number of responses completed anonymously - but as statistics. As each question is controlled by the administrator, screens will automatically refresh on each participant’s mobile device. Once the survey is complete, the presenter then has the option to show the graph of results on screen to the audience. Alternatively, a customisable thank you message will appear.


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