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*Empathy* and *Emotion* in Video banner

/ insight / Move Mountains With Video; The Power of Empathy and Emotion

Empathy and Emotion in Video

Move mountains with video; the power of empathy and emotion.

With digital content constantly evolving, now more than ever, it’s crucial to share unique and exciting messaging and media to maintain consumer relationships. Videos that represent everyday people and communities or use storytelling to resonate with your target audience can make your brand more memorable.

Our videographers at Hydra Creative have experience working with businesses in a wide variety of sectors, achieving digital results through emotionally impactful videos. These videos evoke empathetic responses to emotional content and unique brand messaging—but how does our videography achieve this?


What is Hydra Creative’s video-production process?

When Hydra Creative is tasked with filming videos for brands, we consider many factors. Your industry, target audience, mission, and messaging lay the groundwork for any video project and are used to build your unique strategy.

We communicate back and forth with you to establish your needs and wants and form a creative strategy. This helps our videographers craft a concept and fine-tune elements such as filming locations, equipment, and timescale. This strategy works for creating emotionally resonant videos, ensuring each element is thoughtfully integrated to produce the desired response.

So, what does an emotional video typically look like? How can it benefit your consumer relationships? How do emotion and empathy in a video change depending on the video style?


1) Interview

Over the years, Hydra Creative has filmed numerous interview-style videos for businesses, supporting their brand mission and goals. Interviews are personal video styles that work well for many organisations, including charities, care homes, schools, and any business with a people-centric mission or goal.

Interviews allow the opportunity to share personal stories, insights, or perspectives related to your business. This allows the brand’s success to speak for itself, effectively creating a more relatable video that builds interest.

Lighting, sound, and colour bring stories to life through video, boosting your audience’s emotional attachment to the story. This connection makes your video memorable, increasing consumer engagement.

Our videography team will always tailor a creative strategy to your brand’s individual needs. For interviews, however, the most common approach is to create a natural tone with warm spotlights that draw people in to create an intimate and comfortable experience. This is particularly impactful when the video’s topic is more challenging.

Our videography team worked with men’s mental health awareness charity, Andy’s Man Club, who collaborated with Altrincham FC on a video project to help raise awareness of men’s suicide rates. We captured the football team's genuine reactions to the talk, using warm tones that represented the safe environment needed for this topic. For sound, we allowed the talk to speak for itself, affording people the chance to form their own feelings without the influence of music.

Our videographers can elevate your interviews with dynamic shots, such as children doing activities when filming at a school or staff speaking with patients for a care home project. This captures a more personable side of your business and evokes changes in emotion that engage your viewers.


2) Promotional

Promotional videos are a popular video style in many industries, as it’s a strategy that can clearly showcase a product or service. This can make creating a successful promotional video more difficult, as the competition is high.

But don’t worry! A great way to ensure that your video project stands out is to be authentic, which may mean not following industry trends. However, don’t forget to keep your content up to date, as this ensures that your digital presence remains relevant, something our expert marketers can help with.

A promotional video allows you to use storytelling techniques to engage your consumers. This is a great way to tell an emotional story that stands out, allowing your audience to empathise with your messaging.

Let’s take a look at one of the biggest and most well-known brands, John Lewis, who use emotion and empathy in videos to draw people into their brand worldwide:


In 2015, John Lewis collaborated with Age UK to create the ‘Man On The Moon’ Christmas advert. In the video, a young girl sees a lonely man on the moon at Christmas, so she does everything possible to send him a special present. The advert aimed to raise awareness of the millions of older people who go months without social interaction. It used contrasting lighting, from dull to warm, to evoke emotion and highlight the heart-warming connection between the man and the girl.

There are no voices in the advert, only music, which guides the advert’s emotional impact, working hand-in-hand with the video’s story. John Lewis is loved for its heartfelt and sometimes heart-wrenching Christmas adverts. This one, in particular, has gained millions of views across YouTube.


3) Animation

Animation is a highly imaginative design approach to capture your consumer’s attention. It allows you to think outside the box, using more colour and design to engage your consumers and boost the emotional impact of your videos. People tend to feel emotion reflected through colour, which animated videos can emphasise.

Emotional videos can be a major turning point in supporting and strengthening your business-to-consumer relationships. Our video production team at Hydra Creative can collaborate with you to create emotional videos that enhance your engagement rates.


Connect with our expert videography team to discover how our video production services can transform your business today - get in touch.

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