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/ insight / Digital marketing agencies VS in-house marketing

Agency VS In-house marketing

Why should I trust my digital marketing to an agency instead of handling it in-house?


Finding the best way to market your brand can be complicated; there are lots of options to be explored, and not every option will be right for your business. So why is trusting a digital agency the best approach to take?


Even companies with an in-house marketing team experience difficulties completing projects due to skills gaps. Hiring a new employee can take months, from posting applications and interviewing candidates to hiring somebody who must work their notice at a previous position. With one employee alone, you must factor in their salary, sick and holiday pay, national insurance, pension payments, overheads, perks, equipment, and resources. Working with an agency is significantly more cost-effective and immediate – plus, you will have access to an entire expert marketing team.


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A good digital marketing agency has marketing specialists who can fill your skills gaps and lessen your workload, allowing your staff to focus on their areas of expertise. Working with an external digital agency can bring new ideas to the table and ensure quality content that drives your audience to your services/products. External marketers can also ensure that you have a professional website reflecting the tone of your company, as sales may be lost if your website looks untrustworthy or is difficult to use.


 The best digital marketing agency will conduct a consultation discovery to discuss your brand values and requirements. Digital agencies can also spot potential issues that could jeopardise your project goals, ensuring your campaign steers in the right direction. Agencies will consider the entire process - from producing engaging content to growing your online presence through optimisation, to leading your traffic to conversions.


Digital agencies are aware of the constant changes in marketing best practices – they have the knowledge and technology to adapt your content to maintain engagement during these shifts. Marketers will monitor online search trends and optimise your content accordingly to increase your visibility. John Lewis’s success has grown exponentially since starting to work alongside an external digital agency in 2009. They now produce quality content, such as the beloved Christmas adverts, which has led to immense growth and awareness for their brand.

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Having the proper marketing technique is vital – if it is not right, you may not see a return on your investment. We at Hydra know how crucial this is for your business. Improving your business’s marketing will support you in maximising conversions and achieving your overall business goals.

Whether you are an ambitious start-up or a well-established corporation, our in-house digital experts work with you. To explore the best marketing strategy for your business - get in touch with our team today.

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