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How a PPC campaign could increase your enquiries banner

How a PPC campaign could increase your enquiries

PPC stands for pay per click, which also means those little ads that you see at the top of the page on your search engine.

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Now some may argue that they never click on an advert online - you might even say that yourself - but the truth is that many people do and it would be unwise to disregard PPC. It's a powerful tool and a great way to generate leads and push conversions. 

Having a great looking website is all and well. You've got the functionality, the friendly UX design and engaging content, but how are you meant to spread the word about how great you are if nobody actually knows your website exists.

Search engine optimisation assists your organic rankings (non-paid for rankings), but it's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to getting your website out there. By using a PPC platform such as Google Adwords, you bid on specific keywords, allowing you to rank for otherwise very competitive keywords. For example, I sell black handbags and I decide to do a search for ‘black handbags.’ As you can see in the image below, in the organic listings I’d have to compete with Debenhams, New Look and River Island to appear at the top of the search engine - a tall order for a small business as those websites are visited by thousands of people all over the world on a daily basis. 

As you can see by the above image, big retailers are also using sponsored ads as they understand how competitive their industry is and want to be shown above everyone else. Although these retailers probably have big marketing budgets, there is still the chance to reach the first page of Google on a minimum budget. Quality score is vital in an Adwords campaign and this is judged on the content of the landing page, the relevance of the keywords used within the ad and the maximum cost per click. If the quality score of an ad is higher than those of competitors, Google will automatically rank them higher.

PPC campaigns are a great way to start reaching out to potential customers and raise your search engine rankings. The longer someone stays on your website and interacts with it, the more relevant Google believes it to be, ranking your site higher than a one which people visit but bounce straight off on the homepage.

Another factor to consider with PPC is that once someone has clicked on your website you need to pay for that click, but every time they use the same IP address and click on your ad again, you don’t get charged. So they may click on your website and four others, think about it for a while, then come back to your site later on to make a purchase and you won’t end up been charged for that second click, great!

So there you have it, you can either ignore everything I have wrote and be totally against paying for people to visit your website, or you can take it all in to think about. If you have any questions about a pay per click campaign for your business or just want some advice whether it would work for you, then give us a call on 0114 250 9578.

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